There are only three of them left now. The other three passed on. One because of sickness--diabetes and all its complications; the other two, because of sickness--of people who think they are not worthy to be kept alive.
While my mother is trying to keep herself cancer-free, my uncle is in our house trying to recuperate from his own cancer. He has just had his first chemotherapy session with my mother's doctor. Just then, my cousin got in touch with me telling me the sad news--her mother, my Ma's sister, who had just undergone a surgery on her thyroid, was found with a lump on her neck. After the biopsy, it turned out to be cancerous. Her doctor advised radiation. It was a sad news amidst something good that is happening to my cousin. She was due to go to Canada in the middle of September. But then, the doctor just gave my Aunt some medicine first and scheduled her radiation in November yet. My cousin left as scheduled, though with a heavy heart, for leaving her mother in such state.
So now, the three remaining siblings fight the same battle, although in different degrees, and different ways. The upside is that they each have a family who love them and support them in the middle of all this.